楼主 |
发表于 2013-10-22 03:02:57
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.INI published by Seemann (http://sannybuilder.com/files/SASCM.rar) on 13.10.2007
{$VERSION 3.1.0027}
{$CLEO .cs}
thread "MAREN"
wait 0
if and
056D: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR defined
00E1: player 0 pressed_key 4
0AB0: key_pressed 52
not Actor.Driving($PLAYER_ACTOR)
jf @MAREN_9
0209: 17@ = random_int_in_ranges 1 4
0AB5: store_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR closest_vehicle_to $411 closest_ped_to 23@
jump @MAREN_71
056D: actor 23@ defined
jf @MAREN_9
if and
not Actor.Driving(23@)
not Actor.Dead(23@)
jf @MAREN_9
$4 = Player.WantedLevel($PLAYER_CHAR)
0AC1: 25@ = load_audiostream_with_3d_support "CLEO\MP3\MAREN.MP3" //IF and SET
0AC1: 26@ = load_audiostream_with_3d_support "CLEO\MP3\MAREN_WOMAN.MP3" //IF and SET
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0@, 1@, 2@)
Actor.StorePos(23@, 3@, 4@, 5@)
050A: 6@ = distance_between_XYZ 0@ 1@ 2@ and_XYZ 3@ 4@ 5@
12.0 > 6@
jf @MAREN_9
0635: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR aim_at_actor 23@ 5 ms
05BF: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR look_at_actor 23@ 4000 ms
03A3: actor 23@ male
jf @MAREN_323
0AC4: link_3d_audiostream 25@ to_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
0AAD: set_audiostream 25@ perform_action 1
wait 2000
0AAE: release_audiostream 25@
0AAE: release_audiostream 26@
jump @MAREN_360
0AC4: link_3d_audiostream 26@ to_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
0AAD: set_audiostream 26@ perform_action 1
wait 3000
0AAE: release_audiostream 25@
0AAE: release_audiostream 26@
jump @MAREN_360
if and
17@ == 4
not Actor.Dead(23@)
jf @MAREN_400
0635: AS_actor 23@ aim_at_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 20 ms
jump @MAREN_9
if and
17@ == 3
not Actor.Dead(23@)
jf @MAREN_441
05BF: AS_actor 23@ look_at_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 4000 ms
jump @MAREN_9
if and
17@ == 2
not Actor.Dead(23@)
jf @MAREN_479
05E2: AS_actor 23@ kill_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
jump @MAREN_9
if and
17@ == 1
not Actor.Dead(23@)
jf @MAREN_9
0729: AS_actor 23@ hold_cellphone 1
wait 3500
not Actor.Dead(23@)
jf @MAREN_575
0729: AS_actor 23@ hold_cellphone 0
$4 += 1
Player.WantedLevel($PLAYER_CHAR) = $4
05BF: AS_actor 23@ look_at_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 2000 ms
jump @MAREN_9
jump @MAREN_9
反正努力改改看好了...望指点...=。=" |